Skilled workers for Germany

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Questions and answers on immigration Skilled workers for Germany

Would you like to live and work in Germany? What does the immigration process look like? Where can you get your qualifications recognised? Do you need a visa? Here is an overview of the most important questions and answers concerning immigration of skilled workers.

4 min reading time

A skilled worker assembles a bicycle.

Around 700 people of many different nationalities work at the Diamant Fahrradwerke bicycle factory in Hartmannsdorf in Saxony. 

Photo: IMAGO/Sylvio Dittrich

Among other aspects, Germany relies on immigration of skilled workers from abroad to safeguard its prosperity and social systems. Experts say that around 400,000 people need to immigrate every year. The new Skilled Workers Immigration Act was drawn up to make it easier for such individuals to take up work and settle in Germany.

Information and support portals 

Large numbers of people from the baby boomer generation will be retiring over the next few years. A lack of skilled workers can already be observed in many regions and industries. Around 1.98 million job vacancies were recorded in 2022, and an upward trend can be observed. 

With its skilled workers strategy, the Federal Government is initially focusing on potential available in Germany: well-qualified career starters, a higher level of female employment and advanced training measures for preparing people for changes in the working world. However, immigration of skilled workers – both from EU and third states – will gain importance in the future. Interested individuals can seek information online while still in their home countries.

Here is an overview of answers to your questions about immigrating as a skilled worker.

Arriving in Germany

Understanding how Germany works is essential in order to be able to get on with people. The Ankommen app is designed to help with this. It provides guidance for your preparations while you are still in your home country and throughout your first few weeks in Germany. The multi-lingual app helps immigrants to learn about the rules that apply in Germany and things they need to bear in mind.

The Federal Foreign Office can answer many more questions related to immigration of skilled workers. In addition to Make it in Germany , the Federal Ministry of Employment operates further information portals about the Federal Government’s skilled labour strategy . You can find more information about employment and social policies on our work and social support topic page.