Deputy Government Spokesperson
Wolfgang Büchner is the Deputy Spokesperson of the Federal Government and Deputy Head of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government. He informs the public of the work being done by the Federal Government.
1 min reading time
Born on 23 July 1966 in Speyer, married, four children
1973 to 1986
Primary school and upper secondary school in Speyer
1986 to 1988
Civilian service at the Ecumenical Welfare Centre in Speyer
1988 to 1992
Studies in political science at the University of Heidelberg and the University of Hamburg
1989 to 1991
Trained as a journalist at Institut zur Förderung publizistischen Nachwuchses (ifp) in Munich
1992 to 1995
Northern Germany correspondent of the Associated Press (AP) news agency in Hamburg
1995 to 1999
Editor and managing editor at Reuters news agency in Bonn and Frankfurt
1999 to 2001
Managing editor of Financial Times Deutschland in Hamburg
2001 to 2009
Managing editor and editor-in-chief of SPIEGEL ONLINE in Hamburg
2009 to 2013
Editor-in-chief of Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) in Hamburg and Berlin
2013 to 2014
Editor-in-chief of DER SPIEGEL and SPIEGEL ONLINE
2015 to 2016
Managing director of Blick Group, Ringier AG, in Zurich
2017 to 2019
Managing director and editor-in-chief of RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland, Mediengruppe Madsack, in Hanover
2019 to 2021
Freelance journalist and communications consultant to the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the agency MSL Germany in Berlin
since December 2021
Deputy Spokesperson of the Federal Government and Deputy Head of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government.