New rules for air travel
Travellers arriving in Germany by air as of 30 March will be required to prove that they are not infected with COVID-19 before they travel. For all other travellers entering Germany, the regulations currently in place will continue to apply, depending on the category of country or region they are travelling from (risk area, high-risk area or an area in which variants of the virus are widespread).
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As of 30 March, travellers entering Germany by air must provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test result before they fly.
The diagram is entitled “Travelling to Germany from abroad”. Against the blue background the following points are listed:
Travelling by air: negative test result required; test conducted within 48 hours of travel
Entering Germany from risk areas*: mandatory testing and evidence of results within 48 hours
Entering Germany from high-risk areas:* ** evidence of negative test results required before travel and on entering Germany
* by any means apart from by air
** areas in which mutations of the virus are widespread or where there is a particularly high incidence
Photo: Bundesregierung
The COVID-19 immigration regulations aim to prevent COVID-19 infections entering Germany from other countries. This is particularly important in view of the spread of new variants of the virus.
The regulations covering travellers entering Germany by air have thus been expanded to include a mandatory test. This was agreed by the Cabinet as part of the changes to the COVID-19 immigration regulations on 26 March 2021. The new mandatory test will apply as of 00:00 on 30 March and will remain in place up to and including 12 May 2021. Everyone wishing to fly to Germany must present evidence that they have been tested and that the result was negative before they fly. The test must be conducted no more than 48 hours before travel. Carriers may only accept passengers who provide evidence of a negative test result. Travellers must pay for the test themselves.
FAQs on the new immigration regulations can be found here.
What continues to apply
In addition to these new provisions, the regulations currently in place will continue to apply for all travellers entering Germany by bus, rail, car or ship.
A distinction is made between three types of risk areas outside Germany:
- Areas where the Federal Ministry of Heath, in conjunction with the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, has identified a higher risk of infection with a threatening communicable disease
- High-incidence areas, where the incidence is several times higher than that in Germany, but at least 200
- Areas in which particularly infectious variants of the virus are widespread.
All travellers who have been in a risk area will have to fill in an online immigration registration form before they enter Germany, as is already the case. Within 48 hours of entering the country they must have evidence that they were not infected with SARS-CoV-2 at the time they entered the country, and must present this to the relevant authority on request.
Everyone entering Germany from a risk area in which there is a particularly high incidence or where particularly infectious variants of the virus are widespread will have to carry this evidence on their person when they enter the country and present it, on request, to the carrier before they leave, to the relevant authorities on entry into Germany or to officers undertaking any police checks.
The Robert Koch Institute provides an overview of designated risk areas, high incidence areas and areas where variants of the virus have been identified.
The requirement to self-isolate, i.e. to quarantine, on arrival from risk areas remains in place. Travellers arriving from outside Germany, who have been in an area designated a risk area within the last ten days, are required to quarantine immediately on their arrival in Germany for a period of ten days.
Under certain circumstances exceptions to mandatory quarantine can apply. The individual federal states impose mandatory quarantine regulations for all travellers arriving from abroad and also stipulate any exceptions to this rule. Please check the regulations that apply in your federal state.
Since 1 March mobile telephony providers must inform their customers by text message about the immigration and infection control measures in place in Germany.
Here you will find an overview of the regulations currently in place for all travellers and commuters.