France, incoming Presidency of COP 21, and Germany, Presidency of the G 7, are firmly decided to take all efforts to reach an ambitious, comprehensive and binding UN climate agreement by the end of this year in Paris. We invite all countries to join us in this endeavor by doing their part in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and capabilities and in light of different national circumstances. We are committed to the goal of limiting global temperature increase at least to below 2°C compared with pre-industrial levels. Urgent action and an ambitious global framework are needed to put us on a path consistent with this goal. We need a fundamental shift of investments into low-carbon infrastructure, technologies and climate friendly land use. At the same time, we have to strengthen the resilience especially of the particularly vulnerable countries against unavoidable risks and damage arising from climate change. We are convinced that investments, strategies and legislation to achieve this transformation will foster prosperity, growth and sustainable development worldwide.
In particular, Germany and France call for action in the following areas:
As the common vision we seek to pursue with all partners in the UN, we will strive to decarbonize fully the global economy over the course of this century. We commit ourselves to contribute our fair share, take ambitious actions and foster future-oriented collaboration in all of the areas above.
Our countries will continue to show leadership in this profound transformation of our economies and our societies towards full decarbonization. We are committed, through the “Energiewende” in Germany and the “transition energétique” in France, to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95 % in 2050 compared to 1990.