Attack on Ukraine
The European External Action Service (EEAS) lists current cases of disinformation from Russia on its website – and refutes false claims.
The EEAS East StratCom Task Force was launched by European Union leaders in 2015 to counter Russia’s numerous disinformation campaigns. The team in Brussels systematically evaluates publicly available sources on an ongoing basis. Targeted false information is documented and analysed. The diplomats provide the European public with the correct facts on a daily basis while at the same time explaining the mechanisms and techniques used by disinformation campaigns put out by Russian sources. This is because such sources and their references to Russia are not always easy to identify.
Current disinformation on developments in Ukraine is revealed by the Task Force here in English. Individual passages are available in German here.
Current reports issued by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine are available on the OSCE website in English, Russian and Ukrainian.
Background: in 2018, the EU set out an action plan for joint European measures to combat disinformation. The European Action Plan for Democracy issued in December 2020 builds on this action plan against disinformation.